Collaborative work with artist Theodora Boorman
During Oxfordshire Artweeks 2023 I was incredibly fortunate to cross paths with the very talented Theodora. Theo is a mixed-media artist based in Woodstock, like myself, whose artwork is very much influenced by material culture, story-telling and folklore from around the world.
All potters (and probably all makers) will tell you that there are certain parts of the process that they love more than others and decorating/glazing is certainly my least favourite of the stages. So it felt like a match made in heaven when I discovered that Theo had found a love of decorating clay and wanted to do more! Roll forward a few weeks and the first pieces from our collaboration have now been completed.
Both of these pieces are now available in the shop and we’re excited that more are in development. If you have any ideas that you would like to discuss then we would be more than happy to do so.